
Crime Fiction, Historical Mystery, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Supernatural Suspense, Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance, Romantic Suspense, New Adult Romance, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Time Travel Romance, Women's Fiction, Literary Fiction, Christian Fict
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Jun 2017
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Tanya R. Taylor is the author of several #1 bestsellers on as well as the Amazon UK store and Amazon Canada. She has been writing ever since she could remember holding a pencil and published her first book titled: 'A Killing Rage' as a young adult.
Tanya has worn many hats throughout the years as a wife, mother, entrepreneur, and author “just to name a few”. She has worked in the Financial arena and is also a seasoned ghostwriter. Her clients include insurance executives, C.E.Os, and now added to the list is a world-renowned entertainer. She is the author of both fiction and non-fiction literature. All of Tanya's books have made Amazon Kindle's Top 100 Paid Bestsellers' List in several categories. 'Cornelius' climbed to #1 in the Teen & Young-adult Multi-generational Family Fiction category in November 2015. And her supernatural, suspense/thriller - 'INFESTATION: A Small Town Nightmare' was #1 multiple times in the Amazon UK store and Amazon Canada in the religious drama category and has also made #1 in the same category on